Fixed Deposit for MSME, Agri, Women Entrepreneurs and Special Segment enterprises/organizations/entrepreneurs.
Account Type: Fixed Deposit
- Any Bangladeshi Citizen;
- At least 18 years of age;
- Legal guardian on behalf of a minor;
- চলতি প্লাস/CD or savings account with Citizens Bank.
- Flexibility in choosing tenure;
- Flexibility of minimal deposit;
- Flexibility of availing of loan instantly;
- Flexibility of premature withdrawal;
- Attractive interest rate;
- Customers can enjoy credit facility in the form of OD (FO), Credit Card and Time/Term Loan against lien of the FD up to 90% of the Fixed Deposit face value;
- Fixed deposit accounts will be automatically renewed for the same tenor, at the interest rate in force at that time on maturity until and unless otherwise instructed by the customer;
- Premature encashment will be allowed upon request of the customer.
- Dual benefit-safety and return with free Life/Health insurance cover.