- Purpose: Facilitate supply of wholesale credit to MFI/NGOs for onward lending to their beneficiaries at grass root level
- Loan type: In the form of Term/Time/Continuous loan
- Maximum loan limit: BDT 30.00 crore
- Loan period: Maximum up to 5 years (Term Loan)
- Interest rate: Attractive rate
- Security: Based on banker customer relationship and market practice as well.
- Microcredit Regulatory Authority License (MRA License) & proper Legal Entity, i.e registration from a competent authority such as from Directorate of Social Welfare/ Registrar of Joint Stock Companies under Society Act/ NGO Affairs Bureau/ Directorate of Co-operative Society etc).
- Approved constitution approved (by its registration authority) & Executive Committee (EC).
- Recognized micro credit model and approved Manual of its own for effective loan operation at the field level.
- At least 03 years’ experience in successful operation of micro credit activities.
- Loan recovery rate not below 95% & Minimum loan outstanding Tk.40.00 lac at field level.
- 100% provision for bad debt
- Compliance of MRA rules.